Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Rainning For Couple Days in Harrisburg PA

Harrisburg Pennsylvania is Being covered by cloud for some days.
Raining in day time is more difficult for  people to go in  work. According to National weather forecast  ,couple more days are supposed to rain again.
We are approaching fall Season


Sunday, September 25, 2022


​Does anyone knows about Metaverse? 

This is Huge plane Meta company is implementing and this can change the world.

They are talking that Metaverse can combine mixed reality and virtual reality which gives people more and more real like experience. They are trying to connect the virtual world with more real test. What that means is you can see love one and more than that you can feel…… 

And more….

There are so many things we are trying to understand but they are trying something good . More test in virtual reality is the most important things in this divided world.

People in the world can enjoy their free time inside house with more test. 

I am wondering if people in someday will forget the real outside world like so many kids doing today .  Kids don’t want to go and play outside unless they have Internet in there I pad.

Is This Kind Of Video Game?

This is more than video game which you can playin your Video Gaming Device.

 Let’s see how meta verse will bring change in the virtual world.

Friday, September 23, 2022

USPS Job Fair,Tomarrow 09/24/2022

Great Oppertunity Guys and Girls!!!!!

Are You looking for Federal job??

 Join the Job Fare which is going on 1425 Crooked hill Rd,Harrisburg,PA17107

There are many open positions ,you can choose the best option on the spot And there are people who will help you to find the better option.

Dont miss your oppertunity 

Good luck guys


Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Friday, September 9, 2022

Queen Elizabeth 2nd Died at The Age 96.

 Queen Elizabeth 2nd died at age 96.Uk pas tribute to the queen as her son charles return to London to make his first address.New king stopped to greet the thousand of people that came to Buckingham palace before heading inside.Queen was really beautiful inside and outside and she will be dearly missed by people from all over the world.Queen Elizabeth 2nd was longest reigning monarchy and died peacefully at Balmoral in scotland on Thursday.

Queen Elizabeth studied constitutional law and was a machanic in world war 2nd.she was the first person to send an email.She visited 117 countries in six continents.she was the first monarch at the age 25 and the longest lived monarch in British history.

Queen Elizabeth 2nd has four kids.Now her son Charles took over the throne with his wife Camila after her passing at age 96.she was such a beautiful lady that she is surrounded by huge crowds of people outside . She never choose it, she never asked for it, she were never meant to have it. But she did her duty to the last. She was a truly amazing remarkable woman and history will put down as one of the most remarkable Monarch's this world has ever had. Sincere gratitude and deep respect to her. She met again with her beloved Prince Philip. May God bless Royal Highness .The Queen, we will be missed immensely sleep well.world is mourning on her death..

she has worked to her last breath and never give up to serve the country.She was the source of happiness and kindness person people all over felt.Gorgeous and beautiful lady will be missed in this Christmas and new year too and her message to the world will be missed. People have always been intrigued by the history behind the British Monarchy.

The Royal Family has a long and rich history visiting the continent, so much so that in 1952, Princess Elizabeth ( later the Queen) and Prince Phillip stood in for King George VI, who was too ill to travel on a planned international tour that included Kenya, Australia and New Zealand. 

So, when an opportunity came up to cover the story lof the Potter that waited on the late Queen Elizabeth II- the longest reigning British Monarch whose rule bore its roots in Nyeri County.

Monday, August 15, 2022

Who Is The Greatest Man In The World?

 Who Is The Greatest Person In The World?

Is The richest person the greatest man in the worrld ? 

Because 99% people in this world want to be the rich pepole.only 1% people don't dont care about anything.

Or the treat leader of the greatest country?

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

The Third World War

Nowadays many people are talking about third world war. They have their own opinion .

We dont know what the world's top leader are thinking about world war 3.

What would happen if the most powerful nation of the world start  fighting .

The are so many nuclear weapons are around the world .If we go through the nuclear weapon’s Russia is the most powerful country in the world .Russians are holding  more than 6000 nuclear weapons.

The second country with biggest nuclear powers is The USA .The are so many other country who are holding nuclear weapons.Like France,China,UK,Pakistan,India ,North Korea etc.

The USA has spent more than 6 trillion dollar in Middle East And Asia for war after 9/11.

The USA has already spent more than 54 billions in Ukraine War against Russia

Health and Environment

Some AI Made Viral Videos

There are some videos they became popular over the social media  1. Fake Zelenskyy Deepfake (2022) A deepfake video of Ukrainian Presiden...