Sunday, October 11, 2020

What is the Value of Life??

 One day son goes to his father and says father what is the value of my life? ,the father gives him a stone and says son if you really wanna know the value of your life take this stone and go to the market and if anyone asks the price don't say word but raise 
of two fingers.The  boy does as his father says and goes to the market he wanders around and suddenly an old woman approaches him and says how much is this stone the boy doesn't say a word just raises of two fingers the woman says $2? I'll take it the boy surprised and runs back to his father and says  father there was an old woman at the market she wanted to give me $2 for the stone the father says son the next place I want you to go is to the museum and if anyone asks the price don't say word just raise of two fingers so the son takes the stone goes to the museum after about 20 minutes there is a middle aged man in a suit who approaches the boy he says Sir how much is this stone boy doesn't say a word but raises of his two fingers and the man says $200 ? I'll take it boy surprised and runs home to his father ,father father the manager at the museum wanted to buy the stone for $200 OK son the last place I want you to take the 

stone is to the precious stone store  and if anyone asks the price don't say word just raise of two fingers so the son runs off into the precious stone store  there he sees a old  man in the counter as soon as the old man sees this stone he jumps up and screams Oh my God! you have the stone I've been looking for my whole life what do you want for it how much is it? boy doesn't say a word and raises of two fingers the old man says $200,000 ? I'll take it the boy can't believe it he jumps up and runs to his father and says father the old man in the precious stone store wanted to give me $200,000 for the stone .you see son you understand now the value of your life?  life is all about where you place yourself you can decide if you want to be a $2 stone or a $200,000 stone  there are some people who loves you and you are everything for them and there are some other people who just use you as a commodity .you are worthless ,nothing for them  so it is upon you my son to decide the value of your life.

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

How to setup projector

 Can we project movie outside?

Yes we can !

Just follow some simple steps 

Want to project movie outside ? Invite a few friends over, pop some popcorn, and enjoy the pure pleasure of an outdoor screening. A significant problem with this plan is that many people do not have a projector which they can use to screen the movie outdoors.

Projectors can be costly, and not a lot of people can afford them. Cost aside, they also require a constant power source. Consequently, this limits their use outdoors because you need to have a power source to connect the projector to at all times.

This limitation is one of the primary reasons that many people look for alternatives to using an outdoor movie projector.

It is interesting to do

Many DIY methods give adequate replacements to an actual projector, therefore saving both your money, time and resources and letting you have a fun movie night with your friends.

There are many different methods of making your outdoor movie screens, but the most common way is undoubtedly using your phone as a projector. 

Phone projector

This method is the most common method that people who do not have a projector use. Using a few simple and readily available household items, you can make your outdoor screen and enjoy projecting the movie without actually buying a projector. This method creates the best movie projectors that you could ask for without actually purchasing a projector.

Follow those steps 

The items that you will need include:

A magnifying glass

A shoebox of adequate size.


A crafting knife and scissors.

Black paper or cloth.

A blank white wall or a white cloth; which will act as your screen.


A smartphone or tablet; to project your image onto the screen.

 Without a Projector:

1.     The method of using the things mentioned above to make a projector screen is pretty simple.

2.     The first step is to remove the handle of the magnifying glass and to separate the lens from the stem. One of the alternatives to using a magnifying glass is using an old camera lens instead. The handle wouldn’t need to be removed with a camera lens, and it also eliminates the effort of removing the handle with a hacksaw. If you are using a magnifying glass, use the hacksaw with extreme caution and care.

3.     The next step is to select a shoebox. One of the most essential features that your selected shoebox should have is sturdiness. Furthermore, make sure that your tablet or mobile phone fits into that shoebox. If your box has any loose sides from where light can enter, seal those corners with hot glue.

4.     Trace the outline of your lens on the inside of your shoebox with the shoebox lying flat. Cut the outline with a utility knife to make a hole the exact size of your knife. Handle the utility knife carefully.

5.     Carefully place your lens inside the hole and tape it into place. Make sure that the lens is properly reinforced and the tape isn’t loose. An even better way to strengthen your glass inside the shoebox is using a hot glue gun instead.

6.     Cover the inside of your box with black paper; this black paper is significant in making your image clearer.

7.     Make a stand for your device to sit on. This stand can be made from simple paper clips or metal clips that are twisted to form a holding stand. Another method to make a stand is by using glued together foaming sheets and cardboard. Choose whatever way suits you best but make sure that the position is sturdy.

8.     Choose the movie that you want to play on the projector and be sure that you have turned on the brightness level of your device to maximum. The maximum brightness is needed because the lens inside the shoebox will darken your image a bit. If your phone screen is not bright enough, the image on the screen will be very dark.

9.     Connect your phone to a Bluetooth device so that you would be able to pause and play the movie on command without having to take your phone out of the shoebox. Place your phone inside the shoebox on the stand. Make sure that it is placed at the end which opposes the lens.

10.  Make sure that your shoebox is facing has the lens part either facing a blank wall or a white cloth. These act as a screen for the projector. Make sure that the wall is entirely blank; otherwise, your image will not be clean. If there is not a wall like this available, tape or stick a cloth over a wall.

11.  Play the movie and see if the image is blurry. You will need to adjust your device to be either closer to the lens or farther from the lens until your image becomes clear and focused. After this, play the movie and enjoy it.



Monday, September 28, 2020

Mobile As a Projector


How to use use phone as a projector


Is there any app that can make an Android phone a projector?

The answer is simple ‘ No ‘ because the Android phone doesn’t come with hardware configure and lens to project visuals on a projector. However, there are phone projector apps that can transform an Android phone as a media source of a projector.

Currently, there isn’t a consumer phone that has a built-in projector configuration, but this thing could be a reality in the near future. The android devices come with only one surface, and it doesn’t get pico-projector hardware to broadcast the screen on a different surface. So there is no way an application that can make an Android phone a projector.

However, rather than searching for a projector, you can opt for a pico projector which is the size of your phone but offers all the functionalities of a general projector. They provide a decent projection quality which is ideal for casual movie session or small presentation.

Monday, September 7, 2020

A Man Most Marry Two Women

  In our country, it is illlegal for people to marry two people .  A man who marries more than one wife is legally punished.  But there is also a strange place, where  men  are punished if they do not get married two women.  You may not believe it, but in the African country of Eritrea, a man must have two wives.  If you do not have polygamy, you will be punished.  It is said that such a law has been made due to the large number of wimen.

Sunday, September 6, 2020

A Heart Touching Story


 A 15-year-old boy named "Junubi" has been arraigned in a US court on charges of stealing some items from a department store.  While the theft case was being debated in court, the judge asked the boy, "Did you really steal from the store?"  The boy said yes, I stole it!  A packet of bread and a packet of cheese!  The judge retorted, "Why did you steal?"  The boy said I needed it!  The judge asked again, "Should You have bought it?"  The boy said I had no money!  Should you have asked at home?  The boy replied - only my mother and I stay at home!  Mother is sick, unable to work!  I worked in a motor workshop and fed my mother!  But my mother's health was deteriorating. I asked my boss for leave to take care of my mother, but she fired me!  The judge said you had to ask for money from others to buy bread, didn't you?  I stood on the street and requested with more than 50 people  before stealing the bread!  No one helped!  In the end, in order to satisfy the hunger of the sick mother, I was forced to steal!

 Thus the whole cross-examination, after all, the counterclaim was over!  Then the judge began to pronounce his verdict!  "We are all responsible for the child's crime," he said.  We are the culprits, not the children!  Therefore, every person present in the bench of this court, including me, during the hearing, has to pay a fine of 10 dollars and I will issue an order to give that amount to the accused child Junubi! '

 The judge added, "In any system of governance, the people should have the right to food and medical treatment!"  That is the responsibility of the government and the capable people of the society! '

Sunday, August 30, 2020

Coronavirus Updated Data

 Total number of cases all over the world=25381866

Total number of deaths all over the world=850488

Total recovered=17704469

Active Cases=6826909

Serious critical all over the world=61099

USA is the fist in total number of cases, total  deaths, serious and critical and active cases too.

Brazil, India and Russia are following respectively.

Tour To Smokey Mountain

The most beautiful place in the world

We had a family tour Smokey Mountain

Health and Environment

Some AI Made Viral Videos

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