Friday, April 10, 2020

Coronavirus Pendamic

Coronavirus is a dangerous disease that mainly affects lungs 
Symptoms of these diseases includes high fever, coughing, breathing difficulties and tiredness. This illness has ranged from people with mild symptoms to people being seriously ill and dying. People with preexisting condition are mostly affected by this disease.80% of the cases around the world are mild condition. According to the Worldometer reports, as of today the global cases of coronavirus is 1639772.out of which 100,157 people died. The recovered cases are 369, has been spread throughout the world .Every country are in danger from this disease. 
Staying at home at this time is the key point to save you and your loved ones. Washing hand, using mask, maintaining physical distance between people you encounter can help prevent the spread of this disease. 
Coronavirus is the biggest threat to the world today. 49302 i.e. 4% of the total cases reported is in critical condition. There is no vaccine discovered for this disease yet but many countries are working to produce the vaccine. 

Monday, April 6, 2020

Coronavirus Updated News

Coronavirus cases are now over 1.3 million globally and getting the worst day by day. Total death is going to hit 75000 and America is leading in the total number of cases. This virus has been spread almost all over the world. America has already failed to save the life of 10000 American. According to, Italy, Spain, UK, Iran, China are the must coronavirus outbreak countries in the world.  
Meanwhile the UK prime minister is tested positive and he is in the ICU now. Whole world is fighting from one side and the coronavirus is only on the other side. We are still unaware how powerful it is and how long it will fight with us. All-powerful leaders, doctors, scientists and religious persons have together urged people to stay at home to fight with this deadliest disease. Stay at home or stay away with others is only one way to save our self and others. World's most powerful countries are not able to save the life of their can be more pandemic to the poorest countries. 
Be careful, stay away from others, use gloves and mask, wash hand every times you touch something, use hand sanitizer and eat healthy food. You can save your life and family and friends. 

Relief Package

A short film 
(Actors: prem,krishna,vim,tara,Tulsi,Sarita,Rachit,Max,Lina) 
Prem: (calling to vim) 
 Hi vim, today, we are going to deliver some relief package to some hungry people .They  haven't  eaten for two days. Do you want to go with us? You must bring some food items to join us 
Vim: Yes! I want to go. I am very happy to help hungry people. 
Prem: Thanks body, I know you are generous. I will pick you exactly at 2 pm 
Prem:(calling to Tara ) 
Hi Tara, what you doing today? Do you have time to go with us, we are going to deliver some relief to some poor people. They are hungry for two days. 
Tara: sure, I am interested to help people in this pandemic. 
Prem: ok, we will be there at 2:20. thanks 
(After some time) 
(Prem,Vim ,Tara,Rachit gather with relief items in their hand) 
(Now going to see hungry people, 
They reached Khurebari where three children, one mom and a grandfather are living in a house.  
Prem:-hi guys, how you doing today? 
Krishna:(hungry woman): hi 
we are living hardly, not eaten for two days. 
Vim: Don’t worry now we are here to help you  
I have helped so many hungry people. I like to help poor people. Today I have to go another place too. Are you now ready to receive relief? 
(prem ,vim,Tara standing in one row and krishna her children and her father in another line) 
(prem is showing 2 bananas in his hand and vim has taken 2 potatoes. They handover to Krishna, clapping and snapping from all sides, Prem is looking around might be thinking news reporter, he had already called) 
(As soon as a reporter starts interview, but they seem to be hurried because they have another schedule to deliver relief packages  ) 
(Note:- This is just a satire for the donor who are more willing to take photography and become more popular) 
Video coming soon

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

President’s Concern About Neplease American

You are great president Bhandari,President of Nepal. At least news reporter made your one good news about your interest of Nepali people living in the USA.There are so many people in Nepal who have not accessed  of hand to mouth and are dying in this crisis.Try to reach in front of them also Try to read the news about you and your prime minister too  and find out how you guys are performing in front of Nepali people .You guys are only reading the news of your supporting  reporters so you are very far from the actual realities.
Leader of the comunist party ,leader of the poorest country of the world you are spending more then the top reachest people in the world.Most of the Nepali people are unknown about how you guys are pushing the nation to the dark .Anyway , you guys are lucky to rule. 
wish you good luck

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

A story :Blind Religion

The vulture's baby said - "Today I want to eat people's meat." 
 The vulture said - "Yes, son. I'll bring you in the evening." 
 So, he flew and brought the pork in the evening. 
 The child said - "This is pork. I like to eat people's meat." 
 The vulture said - "Wait, son. I'll arrange for the evening." 
 On that evening brought the dead cow's meat. 
 The child angrily said - "This is a cow's flesh, I called it a man's meat." 
 The vulture flew again, and he threw the pork into the mosque and the cow's meat to the temple. 
 Shortly afterwards, religious strife began to erupt. The bodies of the men were found worsening. 
 The vultures' calves together ate the flesh of the people. 
 The vulture's baby was surprised and asked his wife - "How did you do all this miracle, the flesh of so many people?" 
 The vulture said - "Son, some deceitful people have spread the virus called 'Dharma' for their own benefit. 
 Blessed Son, we have no religion and no happiness 
 So, eat meat with fun. 

A satirical story related to the present situation of the world. There are some people in some religion who have been working all the time to divert others from their religion. All the poor people are the targeted group for them. They have been misleading people in this crisis time too  

Sunday, March 29, 2020

संसार स्तब्द एउटा क्षेप्रास्य काफी

ब्रम्हा, बिष्णु ,हमेसोर  अथवा जिसस वा मुहम्मद वा अरु कोइ, कसको पुजा आराधनामा कमि भएर पृथिबीमा यो विपति  आइपरेको होला ...
को होला एस्तो लाग्ने हतियार बनाउने जसको कारण  सिंगो पृथिवीनै  लक डाउन हुनुपरेको छ
 सबै मानिस हरुमा जागेको प्रस्न हो यो  र अनुतरित  पनि
ठुला भनौदा देसका प्रमुख हरु एक अर्कोलाई दोस लगाउन पनि पछि परेका छैनन
हाल सम्ममा ३२००० मनिसले ज्यान गुमाई सकेका छन र  यो कति सम्म   जाला भन्ने बारे पनि  केहि पत्तो छैन
 अपतिको बेलामा एकले अर्को लाई सहयोग  गर्ने कुरा नै महत्तोपूर्ण   हुन्छ
आपतिको यो घडीमा सबैले आ आफ्नो भगवान को पुकार गरेको पनि धेरै उदारण हरु देखिदैछ र पुकार गर्ने क्रममा  कतै कतै अलि बढी अन्ध विश्वास पनि  देखिदै छ
  एस्तोले सर्ब साधारणहरुलाई उल्टो क्षेति पो हुने  हो कि भन्ने डर पनि उतिकोईछ
जो जहाँ रहे पनि आजको यो बिसम परिस्थितिको सामना गर्नै पर्ने भएको छ
  सबै लाई भयभित बनाउन सफल कोरोना १९ संग सबै मिलेर लडौ
भगवानहरुले यो बनाएका होइनन तेसैले भगवान को नाम मा एक ले अर्को लाई आरोप गर्न  छाडौ
धार्मिक सहिस्नुता र जातीय सदभाब को रक्षा गर्दै यो प्रिथिबी का   सम्पूर्ण मानिस हरु एक बनौ
अहिले लाई म येतिनै भन्न चहान्छु भन्नु परे फेरी फेरी भनौला

Health and Environment

Some AI Made Viral Videos

There are some videos they became popular over the social media  1. Fake Zelenskyy Deepfake (2022) A deepfake video of Ukrainian Presiden...