Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Dashin Celebration in Maryland 2023


Exciting News for The people Living In America

Marryland is the first US state to Celebrate Dashin Festivals . 

October 5 is the Dashin day in Marryland .This year's Dashin day is very close to us .If you are living somewhere near to Marryland ,Visit Marryland on october 5 .I am about 150 miles away from Baltimore .I am visiting Baltimore .

     Dashin is the greatest festival for Nepali People .Wether you are living in Nepal or somewher other than Nepal ,Dashin Day is one of the most Exciting days for us.This day is even more important if you are living outside of Nepal.

Lets have fun enjoy your days and share your happiness ..

Monday, October 2, 2023

Halloween Special 2023

 Halloween means the “hollow of eve”the old traditional festival of Christian’s,the holiday.Halloween originated and traced back to an ancient Celtic festival known as Samhain in Europe and is brought to United States by the immigrants before 1840.Halloween is one served on October 31,the evening before the saint’s day.The celebration marks the day before the western Christian feast of All Saints’ Day and initiates the season of Allhollowtide which last for three days and concludes  with the souls day.Halloween is a powerful turning point in the wheel of the year ,signifying the cycle of life,death and the rebirth.It is the time when people let go of negative thoughts and lower energy that hold them back and filled with new positive energy.It is also considered to the secular power that fills your body and helps you uplift in your work to be successful.The people celebrate this festival by wearing scary customes.Children dress up as Prince or princess,heroes and superhero characters.At this day people try to keep their house as dark as they can by turning of the light even the automatic light in their house.children dress up and go from house for trick or treat.It is believed that the spirit of death were able to rise up to scare the people of earth.so people wear scary costumes to lit bonfire to ward of spirit of the dead.

Thursday, September 28, 2023

Can Someone Be Happy With What He Finds in His Life???

 This is the general  Question 

Can you be happy with your achievements?

Can you be happy with what you accidentally find something?

Can you make your nearest relatives happy with your contribution?

Can you make your wife happy all the way she wants?

Can you fulfil your kids demands??

There are so many questions that will remain unfulfilled with your achievements 

Big Pihosopher tells you we have driven by negative attitude because if you try to recall your past you can remember many bad memories ( bad work experience)than your good memories 

But they don’t tell you how to empower your positive power.

 They just tries to engage you telling more interesting stories of life and just want to kill your time.If you go to temple to listens some gods preeching ,the periest explain so interesting way that you don’t want to go anywhere from there.

So if you want to do Something by yourself dont listen anybody they just kill your productive time ,they dont want you to do yourself.So first of all stop listening any body start your journey today .Start from anywhere you dont have to follow any rule and regulation.just start and keep up the great work.

Keep on doing what you know exactly konw  .you will learn other things when right times comes.

Thursday, September 21, 2023

How to Attract Hummingbird In Your Backyard

 Hummingbird is one of the most Beautiful birds in The United State Of America. 

I Want to see Hummingbird every morning when I get up from the Bed. My son and Daughter are also Big Fan of Hummingbird. There are some Hummingbird in my area they often come to my backyard. I have organized little bit juice for this birds . 

A lot of times when this birds comes to drink water ,honey bees attack and hummingbird fly  away. I don’t know how to get rid off from this bees attacking hummingbird.

I will talk more about this later in another post . If you guys know something special about humming Birds please give me a some ideas .

Thanks  and have a wonderful day.

Super tiny and beautiful birds are very fast and cleaver.

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Lancaster County PA is the Place To Find More Antique in The USA

 I Am in the Right place . This place a lot things we can find everywhere. There were some kings place in the past or some Richest people were living in this area ??? If anybody has any idea please tell me .But I m working with my metal detector and finding More things In this Area.

Monday, September 11, 2023

Former Spokesperson Of Nepali Parliament Died Today

 Subhash Chandra Nemmang former Spoke Person and one of the Supreme leader of Nepali Poltics Died Today


 Rest in Peace Supreme Leader You always will be in the memory of Nepali People 

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Krishna Asthami Celebration in Harrisburg

Visit Laxmi Narayan Temple Harahara Dham if You Are living in greater Harrisburg  or near to this location,we are just starting to celebrate Krishna Janma Asthami 

Harrisburg PA is one of the Biggest Nepali Community residing place in America .More than 20000 Nepali Hindu people live and there are two Hindu temple organized by Nepali Hindu

Krishna Asthami is One of the Great Day for Hindu People.Today is the day lord Krishna had taken Birth in This planet. 

This day is also called the Happy Birthday of Lord Krishna.

People seem to be sharing their happiness on that occasion.Gathering people by their religion is considered one of the most important day for the immigrants who are living in America for long time.

Crowd place , busy schedule and money making mind  isolate seniors people . America is very difficult place for the senior immigrants.

Kids go to school, adults go to work and senior who are living for few years in this country have to stay at home whole day ,every day, every month which is not easy.

Krishna is a  major deity in Hinduism and he is worshipped as a eight awatar of vishnu.Lord Krishna is the god  of love ,compassion ,tenderness and protection.

Health and Environment

Some AI Made Viral Videos

There are some videos they became popular over the social media  1. Fake Zelenskyy Deepfake (2022) A deepfake video of Ukrainian Presiden...